What is Sankofa? 

Newcomb Sankofa Village (NSV) is a community of care and support for Parents and Caregivers of Black children at Newcomb Academy. LBUSD and Newcomb Academy are committed to centering the unique needs of our community members and engaging in a way that affirms their cultural identities.  We recognize that our Village members play an essential role in helping students attain success in school, and as partners, we endeavor to work together to make certain that all Black children achieve excellence on purpose. 

We strive to provide our Newcomb Village with the information, tools, and skills that will empower them to elevate academic achievement and center social-emotional wellbeing in their home, school, and community.

We would like to get to know our Newcomb Village and bring additional resources, tools, and opportunities to build community.

Black History Month Poetry Contest

Theme: “Black is Beautiful: The Art of Empowerment”

To celebrate Black History Month, your Newcomb Sankofa Village is hosting a poetry contest that encourages students to express the beauty, strength, and empowerment of Black culture and history through poetry. We welcome creative and thoughtful submissions from all students!


•Open to all students in grades TK-8 at Newcomb Academy.

•Entries will be judged in three categories:

•TK-2nd Grade

•3rd-5th Grade

•6th-8th Grade

1st Place-$100 Amazon Gift Card 

2nd Place-$50 Amazon Gift Card

3rd Place-$25 Amazon Gift Card

The April Parker Foundation has generously sponsored the gift cards for this contest.

Guidelines for Submission:

•Poems should reflect the theme “Black is Beautiful: The Art of Empowerment.”

•Entries may be in any poetic form, such as free verse, rhyming poetry, haiku, spoken word, or acrostic.

•Poems must be the student’s original work. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.

•Submissions may be handwritten or typed. If handwritten, please ensure clear and   legible writing.

        Spoken word or performance poetry may be submitted as an audio or video recording (under 3 minutes).

•The student’s name, grade, and teacher’s name must be included on the submission.



Judging Criteria:

Poems will be judged on the following:

1.Creativity & Originality – Unique expression of the theme.

2.Relevance to Theme – Clearly connects to “Black is Beautiful: The Art of Empowerment.”

3.Language & Style – Effective use of poetic devices (imagery, rhythm, metaphors, etc.).

4.Presentation – Clarity in writing or performance (if applicable).

Poems will be judged by a panel of LBUSD representatives.

Accessibility & Accommodations:

We encourage participation from all students, including those with disabilities. Accommodations include:

•Alternative Formats: Submissions may be in braille, large print, or as an audio recording.

•Assistance: Students who need help with transcription or dictation may work with a   teacher, family member, or aide.

•Speech-to-Text Support: Students who have difficulty writing may use speech-to-text software or record their poem as an audio submission.

•Sign Language or AAC Devices: Students who use American Sign Language (ASL) or Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices may submit video entries.

Awards & Recognition:

•Winners will be selected in each grade category.

•Winning entries will be showcased at the school’s Black History Month assembly on February 28th.

We look forward to celebrating the voices of our students and the beauty of Black history and empowerment through poetry! All participants will be celebrated by your Newcomb Sankofa VIllage at a pizza and music party to be scheduled in March

Email entries to newcombsankofa@gmail.com OR submit entries to the main office at Newcomb Academy by Feb. 18th at 12:00pm.


Student Name (First and Last)


Homeroom Teacher